Social Networks Are Not One-Size-Fits-All

When live-streaming video apps Meerkat and Periscope started attracting oohs and ahhs a few months back, like most digital marketers I was curious about the new social platforms. The idea of showing the internet your world in real-time is certainly a seductive one; social media has made us all voyeurs, after all. (Why else would we care what is in someone else’s fridge?) Plus, Meerkat had SXSW’s approval, which I liken to Tim Gunn telling you your design is on point.

But then I thought what I imagine a few other digital marketers thought.

Another social platform? Crap.

Social media managers already have so many social streams to update and monitor when it comes to interacting with consumers; they’re scrambling to fill their feeds with engaging content that leads to clicks and conversions. Some of it is stellar, like DiGiorno’s Twitter feed. A lot of it is subpar and doesn’t make even a blip on consumers’ radars. How would this new medium shake up and add to that mix?

When a new platform bounces onto the social scene, it can be a reflex to immediately get your brand on board. And there’s certainly something to be said for getting on a network early. But does a video-streaming service deserve space on your content calendar? It’s a tough question that digital marketers are going to have to answer, especially if higher-ups hear about these new networks and suggest adding them to the digital strategy.

Brands could absolutely stand out by sending live streams to their audiences—with one caveat. Meerkat or Periscope belong in a social strategy if the social team can dedicate sufficient time to producing intriguing video that doesn’t get muddled in the sea of skimpy content.

If that sounds like a cop-out, it’s because it is. But this question—how many social networks does your brand need to hang out on—comes back to the quality vs. quantity argument. Rather than overexerting your resources (either your time or people) creating thin content that just sits flat with no glitz, glamour or pizzazz, focus on creating great content for the networks that best align with your business goals and KPIs.

The benefits of this are twofold: Rather than throwing content spaghetti at the your audience and keeping your fingers crossed it sticks, you spend time crafting pieces that resonate and evoke that coveted emotional response. Your followers, in turn, feel more connected to the content because of this emotional reaction and let you know via a like, retweet, double-tap, heart, etc.

It’s a win-win.

Social networks abound all the time, but that doesn’t mean your digital marketing team needs to spend its precious resources on staying trendy in the eyes of the masses. You just need to stay trendy in the eyes of your audience.



Have you had an, ‘Oh crap, another social channel,’ moment recently? Pan Galactic Digital is a marketing agency specializing in digital strategy and data for social media, content and search marketing. Let’s figure out together which social media channels are priority for your brand.